Santa Barbara

September 20, 2022

As I consider my journey, I think I did the Hawaiian thing, lots of adventure, discover, travel, as the Polynesians did, guided by their hearts, navigating with the stars. With that said, Santa Barbara was an EXCELLENT homebase. Momma Nature is number one for me, and living in a smaller community close to the sea, close to the foothills and hiking, was essential to the journey. Beauty as my homebase for all things creative.

Thank you

Stephen Kelly for being my rock!

Montecito School of Ballet - for being an affordable place to rent for rehearsals and studio showiings

Center Stage Theater - for being the production go to!

Fishbon - for support of the experimental work

Cybil Gilbertson - for birthing NECTAR

Kinesis and New Works - for an annual local performance goal

To the Press - for your generosity, beautiful writers, for archiving, in part, the journey

To the local dancers and artists - for adventuring as a beautiful ʻohana arts.

Susan Alexander - for being my dance heart